Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tell Lawmakers “Me Too!”

Tell lawmakers “Me too!” on 3-year limit on 3 percent retirement contribution
MEA calling on Legislature to match sunset provision granted to state employees last week.

Last week, the Legislature passed a retirement bill for state employees similar to what passed for school employees last spring. However, since then, lawmakers have heard your angry reaction about the additional 3 percent of salary going towards retiree health insurance, forcing them to think twice about the state employee bill. This prompted a compromise in last week’s state employee retirement package – a three-year limit on the 3 percent retirement health insurance contribution by state employees.

This week, lawmakers need to hear from school employees again, this time with a simple message – “Me too!”

In the interest of fairness and consistency, MEA is calling on the Legislature to amend school employees’ additional 3 percent retirement contribution to include the same three-year limit they included for state employees. If it was the right thing to do for state workers, then it’s the right thing to do for school employees and their families, many of whom are now struggling with total payments into the retirement system of between 7 and 12 percent!

Contact your state representative and senator today and urge them to take up this issue and do what is right for Michigan’s dedicated school employees and communities. You can find contact information for your lawmakers here.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Patrick Miles Campaign News

We have two very important meetings scheduled. Please publicize to all KCEA members:

October 4 5:00pm Education rally --Patrick Miles @ Grand Rapids Central High School Lyon/College NE

October 19, 2010, 7pm Public Forum at the Central Michigan University building. Meet a candidate for the 3rd Congressional race. Sponsored jointly by the KCEA and Grassroots.

Members are invited to participate and listen and meet Pat Miles, our endorsed 3rd district candidate.