K-12 Budget yet to be signed by the Governor
Monday, it was reported that the Governor signed the School Aid budget. However, the press release failed to indicate that Governor Granholm had instead signed the Department of Education Budget.
The Governor is studying language in the bill that provides for consolidation of services, collection of data through CEPI and the requirement for transparency of local school districts.
Speaker Andy Dillon (D-Redford Twp.) and Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop (R-Rochester) continue to negotiate over possible revenues to fulfill obligations passed in the budgets.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Stimulus dollars aided education
Based on preliminary information obtained by The Associated Press from a handful of states, teachers appear to have benefited most from early spending. That's because the stimulus sent billions of dollars to help stabilize state budgets, sparing what officials said were tens of thousands of teacher layoffs.”
Examples cited in the article include California (where the stimulus was credited with saving or creating 62,000 jobs in public schools and state universities); Utah (reported saving about 2,600 teaching jobs); Missouri (reporting that more than 8,500 school jobs were saved); Minnesota (more than 5,900 education jobs saved); and Michigan (19,500 jobs have been saved or created, three out of four of which were in education).
As official data from the stimulus package is released later this month, more information is expected about the impact on education.
Dillon Health Care Plan – Prescription for Disaster
Public Hearings on HB 5345 scheduled through November
A hearing on HB 5345 is scheduled for Thursday, October 15, 2008, at 1:30 p.m. or after committees are given leave by the House, whichever time is later.
The agenda includes presentations by:
Adam Miller, Senior Benefits Consultant, Social Security Department, UAW
Keith Bruhnsen, Assistant Director of Benefits & Manager of Prescription Drug Program, University of Michigan
Bill Anderson, Legislative Liaison, Michigan Townships Association
Citizens and schools speak out on RTTT flaws
15 years ago